My Recently Visited Services

For work or help related services provided through Facilities at the Nevada County Campus.

Use this service to report any issue you may be experiencing with multi factor authentication.

Use this service to request a quote for a new peripheral device.

This service is provided to support issues with accessing mySierra.

Slate CRM provides contact relationship management for higher education, automating form submission, workflow routing, event/email campaign management, and data access portals

This is for managers to request phones for employees in lieu of a headset.

The Project Request is used to initiate the planning process for ITS related projects at Sierra College.

Use this service to report any Canvas related issues to include missing content, pages not displaying correctly, features not functioning, etc.

Request help or other services not listed in Sierra Solutions Center.

Use this service to access the Print Shop Pro website

Project requests, including email, social media, mobile app, photography, press release, graphic/print, and web services.

Use this service to report Digital security issues and concerns (ie: SPAM email, scams, viruses)

This service is provided for those reporting an issue with the Voyager application.

Use this service to request a quote for a new computer, laptop, or tablet.

Use this service to report any issue you may be experiencing with classroom technology.

This service is provided for those reporting an issue with the Starfish application.

For work or help related services provided through Facilities.

Use this service to report any issue you may be experiencing with student scanning.

To request/reserve a District vehicle for business related travel.

Use this service to request assistance with logging in to mySierra.

This service is to gather feedback and questions from Sierra College employees.

This service is provided for those reporting an issue with the DegreeWorks application.

This service is to provide the support necessary for moving/changing offices throughout the District.

This service is provided for those who are looking to add/delete/edit content on a webpage on the Sierra College website.