What Does the Class Registration Error Message I Received in mySierra Mean?

Error Messages Definition Resolution

Combined Academic Standing prohibits registration 

(page access error)
Due to academic standing, you have been dismissed from Sierra College. Please see an academic counselor for more information. Contact Counseling.
Registration times have not been assigned. Please check back later. (Page access error) You do not have an appointment to register for classes at this time. Registration appointment date and time has not been posted. Contact Admissions and Records.

You may not add or drop classes due to holds on your record. 

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Academic Enrichment form is required for registration. If you are an Academic Enrichment student, please complete your Academic Enrichment Application form and bring it to the Admissions and Records Office. 

You have Holds which will prevent registration. AE – Permission Form Required. If you have graduated, you will need to apply through CCCapply as a first-time student. 

(View my Registration Eligibility and Holds)
Academic Enrichment form is required for registration. If you are an Academic Enrichment student, please complete your Academic Enrichment Application form and bring it to the Admissions and Records Office. 

Because you’ve taken a break from Sierra College, you will need to reapply before you can register for classes. Get started with the application here.

(Page access error)
You have not registered in classes at Sierra College for more than one semester. You must submit a new application for admission. Please visit Admissions for application information.
STOP! Not allowed to register – maximum number of satisfactory grades recorded. You have already registered for this class in the same term and year. Please choose only one of these classes. You cannot enroll in two sections of the same class. Contact Admissions and Records.
STOP! Not allowed to register - maximum number of satisfactory grades recorded. This class cannot be repeated after receiving a passing grade. This class cannot be repeated after receiving a passing grade. Please see the class descriptions or consult a counselor for repeatability rules. Contact Counseling.
CRN DOES NOT EXIST This course reference number (CRN) is not valid. Please check the class schedule for valid course registration number (CRN). Contact Admissions and Records.
Class Closed and Waitlist Full. This class is full and the waitlist is full. Please look for other classes or check back periodically to try and get on waitlist as waitlist spots become available. Contact Admissions and Records.
Closed – Open seats reserved for waitlisted students. Select WAITLIST from dropdown menu to join Waitlist. X student(s) currently waitlisted. The class has open seats but they are reserved for currently waitlisted students. There are waitlist spots available. Please select “Join Waitlist” using the Action dropdown menu to get on waitlist. Contact Admissions and Records.
Closed – Open seats reserved for waitlisted students. Select WAITLIST from dropdown menu to join Waitlist. X student(s) currently waitlisted.   The open seat(s) in this class is/are reserved for students on waitlist. Waitlist is full.  Please look for other classes or check back periodically to try and get on waitlist as waitlist spots become available. Contact Admissions and Records.
Open seat(s) being filled by waitlist. Waitlist currently filled. The open seat(s) in this class is/are reserved for students on waitlist. Waitlist is full. Please look for other classes or check back periodically to try and get on waitlist as waitlist spots become available. Contact Admissions and Records.
Closed – Select WAITLIST from dropdown menu to join waitlist. X student(s) currently waitlisted. The class is full but waitlist spots are available. Please select “Join Waitlist” using the Action dropdown menu to get on Waitlist. Contact Admissions and Records.
STOP! Maximum Unit Limit has been reached You are attempting to enroll in more credit hours than allowed. Please Contact Admissions and Records for more information. 
STOP! You are not eligible to register for this class.  Student attribute restricted from taking class or class requires special permission to register. Please see the associated department or instructor of the desired class for approval requirements for this class or contact the Admissions and Records office. Contact Admissions and Records.
STOP! Corequisite: <Class> required OR class is part of a Learning Community, which requires enrollment in partner class. See course description or visit www.sierracollege.edufor details. To enroll in this class, you must also be enrolled in another class. Please see the class description in the class schedule for corequisite information. Contact Admissions and Records.
STOP! Not allowed to register – maximum number of substandard grades or W’s recorded. Attempted class three times. You may not repeat this class without approval. Please see the class description or consult a counselor for repeatability rules. Contact Counseling.
STOP! Not allowed to register – exceeds course limit in repetition family. You may not repeat this class. Please see the class description or consult a counselor for repeatability rules. Contact Counseling.
STOP! Time conflict with <CRN> You are attempting to enroll in a class whose meeting time conflicts with another one of your classes. Please choose one of these classes. Cannot take two classes that meet at the same time. Contact Admissions and Records.


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