How Do I Configure MFA? (Phone text/call option)


How do I configure MFA?  (Phone text/call option)

Videos are available at the end of the Mobile Phone section for step-by-step instructions. 


  1. Visit:
  2. Sign into Office 365. Enter your Sierra College email address in the first field and enter the same password as you use for mySierra in the second field.


  1. Under, “More information required,” select “Next.” 

  1. Under, “Keep your account secure,” select the option at the bottom of screen called, “I want to set up a different method.”

  1. A pop-up screen called, “Choose a different method,” will appear. Under the heading, “Which method would you like to use,” be sure, “Phone” is displayed. Click “Confirm.”

  1. Under, “Keep your account secure,” make sure “United States,” is selected (unless you live outside of the US) and then select the radio button for either, “Text me a code” or “Call me.”


  1. Enter your personal landline number or mobile number, beginning with the area code, and include the dashes. Example: 916-698-7777


  1. Select, “Next.”


  1. The MFA system will now call or text you—depending on the MFA phone option you chose. If your phone rings, answer the call and the automated call attendant will say, “Thank you for using the Microsoft sign-in verification system. Please press the pound key to finish your verification.”  Press # to complete the verification process. If you were successful, the automated call attendant will then say, “Your call was successfully verified. Goodbye.”  NOTE: You have (8) seconds to press # before the verification expires. The MFA system will not leave you a voicemail message. 


If you chose the text option, you phone will receive a texted code. Enter the texted code into the Sierra College MFA screen to complete the verification process. You have (1) minute before the code expires.


NOTE: If you don’t press the # key during the phone call in time, or you don’t enter the texted code in time, click the back button to go back one step and it should take you back to “Steps 6 - 8.” Refer to Step 6 - 8 and check that the correct “Call Me” or “Text Me a Code” option is selected. Then click “Next” once again. The MFA system will call or text you once again. 


  1. You should see a confirmation on your computer screen that you have successfully set up your MFA account. Select “Done.”

  1. Select “Yes” or “No” on the “Stay signed in” screen. If using a public computer, select “No.”

  1. Sign out of your Microsoft MFA profile. Click the human silhouette (avatar) at the top-right of the screen and then select, “Sign Out.” Close your browser.


  1. Open a browser and test your login. Try logging into mySierra, Office 365 email, or Canvas. Enter your username and password and the MFA system will call or text your phone. If you don’t answer the call or access the texted code within (1) minute, it may expire. If this occurs, refresh the login page and then try logging into your Sierra College account once more. This should trigger another phone call or text to your phone. 


  1. After you have completed the MFA setup, you will not see a prompt to use the MFA system while on campus, unless you are setting up your MFA account for the first time. The MFA system will only contact your phone when you are trying to log into your Sierra College account from off-campus.


  1. Done.




Using your personal phone set-up (video):




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Article ID: 78600
Mon 5/20/19 11:43 AM
Tue 5/28/24 8:42 AM

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