Have you recently been added to a new Team for collaboration? Use this helpful tip to stay updated with the Team conversations!
Go to the Team, then select the channel you would like notifications for. (Many Teams only have a “general” channel, but you can add sub-channels to focus on specific topics.)
Click on the “more options” ellipsis icon (3-dots) at the end of the channel name then click on the Channel notifications option.
You can quickly turn on notifications for “all new posts” and "channel mentions", or with a couple of clicks, you can customize the notifications you will receive for each channel you have access to.
Click here to view the Microsoft help article on this subject: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/customize-channel-notifications-in-microsoft-teams-c72b8c07-37e1-4a0b-82c9-fdfda04f15b2