How do I reset my password? (Staff/Faculty)


How do I reset my password?


Password Reset Instructions:

  1. Visit:
  2. Select the big, blue button “Reset Password.”
  3. In the “User ID” field, enter your Sierra College email address. You email address looks like this:
  4. The next step contains a CAPTCHA Image. Type in the combination of distorted letters and numbers displayed on the screen and then select, “Next.”
  5. Select “I forgot my password” and then “Next.”
  6. Select “Email” and a code will be sent to the personal email address you listed with HR. Continuing students, returning students, or employees who added a personal email address in the “Update My Personal Info” section of mySierra would access that personal email account to retrieve the code. The code will be sent from If you don’t see the email, check your Junk, Spam, Deleted, Conversations, Clutter, Focused, and any other folders that your email provider may divert incoming mail to.
  7. On the password reset screen, enter the code into the field provided and select, “Next.”
  8. Create a new password based on the following criteria:

Sierra College Password Rules:

  • The password length must be 15 to 32 characters
  • Include at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
  • Include at least one number
  • Special characters are allowed, but not required
  • Cannot contain your username, first name, middle name, or last name
  • Cannot be the same as the last 25 passwords

What is my mySierra username or Sierra College email:

Your mySierra username was emailed to you from Human Resources after your hiring process was completed. If you have forgotten your username, you will need to contact Human Resources at (916) 660-7100.

If you have not completed your MFA setup yet, please make sure to:

  1. Update your personal information in the Self-Service Banner portal. Please refer to the following Knowledge Base article:
  1. To enroll in MFA, please follow the quick steps outlined in the Knowledge Base article (step by step videos are included as well) :

If you have more questions:

If you have additional questions or problems you should contact the ITS Service Desk at (916) 660-7777 or by email at

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