Learn about each type of academic standing.
What is Academic Standing?
Academic standing will show you if you are in Good Standing, Probation, or Dismissal. There may be further actions needed based on your standing. You will be notified of your academic standing every semester via email.
- Academic standing is posted after grades are submitted for the term and before the start of the next semester.
- Your standing is based on your grades from Sierra College and percentage of units completed.
- There are different levels of academic standings that are explained below.
- Your standing appears on your permanent records and official transcripts.
Watch these videos to learn more about the importance of keeping your academic progress in good standing and resources to help you bump up your grade point average (GPA).
Academic Standing Levels
- Good: means you have at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) and have completed at least 50% of all attempted units. No further action is needed.
- Probation: means your Sierra College cumulative GPA is below a 2.0 or you have not completed at least 50% of all attempted units. You will not be allowed to enroll in more than 13 units until you return to Good Standing.
- Probation 2: means your Sierra College GPA is below a 2.0 or you have not completed at least 50% of all attempted units for two consecutive semesters. You are required to meet with your Counselor. You are in jeopardy of losing financial aid if action is not taken. A registration hold will be placed on your account and removed once you meet with your Counselor.
- Dismissal: means that you have been dismissed from Sierra College because you remained on Probation for three consecutive terms. You may appeal the Dismissal. An email will be sent with the link to the electronic Dismissal Appeal. If you miss the deadline, you may be denied.
President’s Honor Roll
Full-time students (12 units/semester) earning a 3.5 grade point average (GPA) or higher are included on the President’s Honor Roll. To qualify, complete 12 or more units of graded work (A, B, C, D, or F) at Sierra College. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) and pass/no pass coursework does not count towards this requirement. Learn more about the Honors Program, including the Sierra College Honor Society.
Dean’s List
Full-time students earning a 3.0 to 3.499 GPA are included on the Dean’s List. To qualify, complete 12 or more units of graded work (A, B, C, D, or F) at Sierra College. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) and pass/no pass coursework does not count toward this requirement.
Good Standing
You can achieve Good Standing if you do the following:
- Attempt at least 12 units at Sierra College
- 50% or more of attempted units need to be completed. For purposes of Academic Standing, a "completed" grade is any grade other than W, I, NC or NP.
- Earn a Sierra College cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher in all units attempted
- Students with Good Standing can enroll in up to 18 units per semester.
Academic Probation
- You will be placed on academic probation if you attempt at least 12 units at Sierra College and earn a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 in all attempted units.
- Academic probation means you may not enroll in more than 13 units. There are exceptions to this limit. Under extreme circumstances, you can petition the unit limitation and submit to Admissions and Records.
- Your second consecutive semester on Academic Probation will place you on level 2. You will be required to meet with your Counselor to have your registration hold removed.
- Your financial aid may be impacted if you do not meet with your counselor.
- You will be removed from academic probation when your cumulative Sierra College GPA reaches 2.0 or higher.
Progress Probation
- You will be placed on progress probation if you attempt at least 12 units at Sierra College and get W, I, NC or NP in 50% or more of the total units attempted.
- Progress probation means you may not enroll in more than 13 units. There are exceptions to this limit. Under extreme circumstances, you can petition the unit limitation and submit to Admissions and Records.
- Your second consecutive semester on Progress Probation will place you on level 2. You will be required to meet with your Counselor to have your registration hold removed.
- Your financial aid may be impacted if you do not meet with your counselor.
- You will be removed from probation when the number of W, I, NC and NP units at Sierra College drops below 50%.
A Dismissal comes after three consecutive semesters of one of the following:
- A cumulative Sierra College grade-point average (GPA) below 2.0
- Receiving W, I or NP in 50% or more of total units attempted
If you remain on academic or progress probation for three consecutive terms, you will be dismissed for one semester.
You can petition your Dismissal. Your Dismissal notice will have the link to the Dismissal Appeal that will be reviewed by the Dismissal Committee. The Dismissal Appeal is due within seven calendar days of the dismissal notice being sent. You will receive an email notification of the decision. The Dismissal Committee's decision is final.
If you completed the semester with a 2.0 GPA or higher, but your cumulative GPA is still below a 2.0, you will get an Automatic Dismissal Appeal for the next semester. You will be limited to taking 13 units until you return to Good Standing.
If you have been dismissed, you may request readmission after one semester. If your appeal is approved by the committee, you will be limited to 13 units until you return to Good Standing.
If you have been dismissed two times, the Dismissal Committee will review your petition. You may have your readmission postponed or denied if the committee thinks you have not presented enough evidence or that the problems leading to past dismissals have not been solved.
To come back to school, you will need to:
Apply again to attend Sierra College
Meet with a counselor and fill out the General Student Petition (check mark "Dismissal Readmission")
- Submit the General Student Petition/Dismissal Readmission to Admissions and Records
If your appeal is approved by the Dismissal Committee, you will be limited to 13 units until you return to Good Standing.
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