Dual Enrollment Data Sharing



On Hold [On Hold]

90% complete, updated on Mon 2/6/23 1:34 PM by Tom Benton

Changed Status from In Process to On Hold.
Changed Health from Green - On track to On Hold.
Changed On Hold Until from Nothing to Wed 3/1/23.
Putting this project on HOLD until Nigel Haikins-Appiah is able to confirm if this project is completed (need to check with feeder schools to see if they have successfully used the file sharing service).


Wed 10/27/21 - Thu 12/1/22
Vice President Instruction
Project Requests / Project Request
ITS (Public) / Project Type
On Hold
On Hold Until
Wed 3/1/23
3-Process Improvement
Secure site to share student-level data with high schools
Tue 11/2/21 2:35 PM
Mon 2/6/23 1:34 PM


Student-level, rather than summary, data will provide more accurate data for analysis of equity impact of dual enrollment program.
Each District (6) will post their data which only both that district & Sierra only can access.
Start with 1 District for POC (approx by eoy)

1st District is RJUHSD - Roseville Joint Union High School District
If all goes well, other districts will be:
PUHSD - Placer Union High School District
NJUHSD - Nevada Joint Union High School District
RUSD - Rocklin Unified School District
WPUSD - Wester Placer Unified School District
CUSD - Center Unified School District
TTUSD - Tahoe Truckee Unified School District

District Goals

  1. DG - Achieve equitable access and increase student success, retention and persistence in order to increase the number of students who complete certificates and degrees or transfer to four year colleges and universities while maintaining high levels of academic integrity

  2. DG - Identify and close success and equity gaps amongst underserved and/or underrepresented student populations

  3. DG - Stabilize or grow student enrollment by increasing the number of students at Sierra College and/or increasing the proportion of students attending full-time.

  4. Tech Plan - Data Analytics and Reporting

  5. Tech Plan - Enhance student experience and student success

  6. Tech Plan - Information Security

Organizational Risks

  1. Low Impact On Other Projects

  2. Low Increased Workflow Complexity

  3. Low Lack of Commitment

  4. Low Learning Curves

  5. Low Resource Bottlenecks

  6. Low Unknown Complexity


Alternate Manager(s)


Stakeholders (1)

Tom Benton
Chief Technology Officer
resource manager
Wed 3/30/22 3:51 PM