How to Update a Ticket in the Solutions Center


How does a Technician update a ticket in the Solutions Center?


1. With the ticket open, go to Actions, then Update

2. Change the Status (see above for definitions)

3. If you need to send a comment back to the requestor, make sure you uncheck the “make comments private” box, then enter your comments in the Comments text area.

4. To pick who you notify, click in the text box and all users associated with the ticket will appear in a list. Select those you want to notify. If you want to notify everyone, click on the people icon on the far right and they will all be added.

5. If you want to notify someone not associated with the ticket, use the Notify Other People lookup

6. If you want to notify someone outside of the GAL, use the Other Email Addresses box to manually type in the address

7. If you have a user guide, instructions, etc. that you would like to attach to the ticket and send to anyone in your notification, use the Attachments lookup. TDX will not permanently store files to upload so you will need to repeat this each time you send the file. It will, however, store the file in the ticket, even after it is closed

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Article ID: 80665
Wed 6/12/19 12:37 PM
Thu 6/13/19 9:30 AM