Is Office 365 safe to use?


Is Office 365 safe to use?



When Office 365 users try to open or view attachments in email messages in Outlook they experience the following symptoms:

In Office 365, the attachment isn't displayed in the message. Instead, a generic placeholder, such as “1 Attachment” is displayed, and this can't be opened.

When users try to view attachments in Office 365 Outlook, they receive the following error message:

“Access to attachments has been blocked. Blocked attachments: <FileName>.”


This issue occurs if the attachment is blocked by Outlook. By default Outlook blocks attachments that have certain file name extensions for protection against potentially malicious code. For a list of all blocked attachments go here:


Microsoft recommends directing users to compress the files that they intend to send (for example, as a .zip file) and then send the compressed files as attachments. To create a zip file, simply right-click on the file and select “Send to” then “Compressed”.

Remember, if you receive emails from an untrusted or unknown source do not open attachments, including .zip files.

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