Lab Software Control Process


How do I request additional software in lab rooms?


The Lab Software Control Process was implemented in 2012 with the objective of implementing a standardized process to identify required software changes or updates for computer labs in a timely fashion to allow for image build, testing and deployment prior to the start of the semester. 

  1. ~60 working days before the start of the Semester ITS will distribute Lab Software Control Sheets to lab “managers”

  2. ~40 working days before the start of the Semester Lab Software Control Sheets are due along with media and license information.   At this point Lab configurations are frozen.

    • Lab "managers” will have ~20 working days to make changes to Lab Software Control Sheets to reflect new software, version changes and deletions for the following semester.

    • Forms to require lab “manager” and area Dean Signatures. 

  3. ~20 days before the start of the Semester Images will be built and ready for testing by lab "Managers" and faculty.

    1. Timely feedback will be incorporated in the iamge and the Labs requiring re imaging will be imaged as possible.


Article ID: 65817
Mon 10/22/18 3:46 PM
Mon 6/27/22 11:49 AM