CCC Confer (Zoom) - How to schedule a meeting


How do I schedule a meeting with Zoom?


Double-click Zoom desktop icon (blue circle with white video camera), Zoom Dashboard will open

From Zoom Dashboard, click blue ‘SCHEDULE’ button

Complete information in ‘Schedule a new meeting’ pop-up as follows:

TOPIC: Add a title for meeting

WHEN: Enter Start Date/Time and Duration

VIDEO: Default setting ‘ON’ allows both host room and participants to have video when joining the meeting (recommended)

AUDIO: Default setting allows both Telephone and VoIP options (recommended)

MEETING OPTIONS: Default setting does not require a password to access meeting (recommended)

CALENDAR: Default option will allow Zoom to add this meeting to your Outlook calendar (recommended) and will also automatically create a calendar invitation for you to send to meeting participants

Click blue ‘SCHEDULE’ button

If ‘Add to Outlook Calendar’ IS selected, Zoom will automatically create a calendar invitation with information for your invitees to access the meeting. Delete Skype for Business option from the invitation before sending (last sentence) – conference will work best if both host and invitees are using Zoom. Then simply send the invitation to whoever needs the information. You’re done!

If ‘Add to Outlook Calendar’ IS NOT selected, you will be sent back to the Zoom Dashboard home page after you schedule. To invite participants, click on the ‘MEETINGS’ button on the bottom of the Zoom Dashboard. Find and click on the meeting for which you’d like to send invitations. On the options that appear below the meeting, click the ‘COPY’ button. It will appear nothing has happened, but meeting information has been placed on your Clipboard. Open Outlook and paste (CTRL-V) the information in to the body of an email or a calendar invitation. Remember to remove Skype for Business option – conference will work best if all participants are using Zoom.

ADDITIONAL MEETING OPTIONS (e.g. selecting an alternative meeting host) are available when you schedule a meeting by logging into the website at

Please feel free to download the instructions attached to this article for instructions to assist you in conducting your meeting. 

For the guide to scheduling meetings, please click here

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Article ID: 65814
Mon 10/22/18 3:27 PM
Tue 6/7/22 10:57 AM