How do I delete a file I shared in a Teams Chat?
When you use the Files tab to share a file, a new conversation item is created, much like making a new post in the Chat. Unfortunately, you cannot delete the file in the Files tab of a Teams Chat, but there is a way!
Go to the Chat tab and scroll through the feed until you find the notification that you shared the file. Hover over the post until you see the Reaction Toolbar that includes the emojis:
Click on the ellipsis (...) and select Delete to remove the file from the chat.
If you shared a file by attaching a file to message by using the paperclip feature, your file and message will be combined into one conversation item. If you would like to remove a file attached to a message, the message also needs to be deleted.
If you would like to learn more about Chat and Share Files in Teams, please visit this Microsoft support page: