I Received a Dismissal Notice But I Want to Stay in School

Learn what dismissal means and how we can help you to appeal it.

What is Dismissal?

Dismissal comes after three consecutive semesters of one of the following:

  • A cumulative Sierra College grade-point average (GPA) below 2.0
  • Receiving W, I or NP in 50% or more of total units attempted

How to Come Back to School

We can help you understand what caused this level of performance and draw up a plan for recovery. In that plan, you can list the steps you will take to make yourself more successful in the future. In particular, you will want to accept services we offer that could strengthen your skills as a student.

You can file a "Dismissal Appeal" within seven calendar days of being notified. The link to the appeal will be in the email notice. 

If your appeal is approved by the committee, you will be limited to 13 units until you return to Good Standing. Otherwise, you must sit out one semester. You must see a counselor and complete the General Student Petition, check mark "Dismissal Readmission" and submit it to Admissions and Records before you can register for classes.

Contact Counseling for help.


Article ID: 74005
Mon 3/18/19 3:43 PM
Thu 12/14/23 3:10 PM