Lab Software Control Process



What is the lab software control process?


At the end of each term, the ITS department will turn to instructional department chairs and IA's to verify the current instructional software being used in labs for the upcoming term. Any changes, upgrades, or new installations should be identified at the time of the ITS inquiry in order to provide ample time for modifications to be made prior to instruction. 

** Please review the attached file for current semester lab software configuration and version. The attached Excel workbook contains all labs in the Sierra College District, regardless of location/campus. Please navigate through using the tabs at the bottom of the workbook. **

Software purchases are the responsibility of the instruction department or division, unless otherwise determined in conjunction with the District CTO or designee. See District Project Request for more information.

Deadlines to submit change requests for instructional labs will be no later than 4 weeks prior to the end of the previous semester. For example:

  • Updates for Summer/Fall 20XX are due prior to week 12 of the Spring semester prior.
  • Updates for Spring 20XX are due prior to week 12 of the Fall semester prior.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Changes to all lab software must be approved by department chair, department dean, and the assistive technology specialist. 

If you have questions or concerns about this process, please contact Mike Glashan via email at 




Article ID: 91699
Fri 11/8/19 2:45 PM
Mon 6/27/22 2:41 PM