Academic Renewal: Requirements and Filing a Petition


Information on Academic Renewal Petition


All or part of your low grades from Sierra College will be removed from your grade point average (GPA) if you qualify for Academic Renewal.

The grades will remain on your transcript, but your GPA will reflect the kind of student you are today.

For reasons that may no longer apply, you may have received low grades (D or F). These grades may not reflect your academic ability and performance anymore. These low grades can hurt your educational or career goals even though your grades have improved.

Requirements for Academic Renewal

Academic Renewal requests must meet the following guidelines:

  • Academic Renewal can only be applied to "D" and "F" grades
  • The number of units alleviated (or no longer counted in your GPA) may not exceed 30 units
  • You completed at least 12 units with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher in all courses attempted since receiving the low grade(s)
  • At least one year has passed since you earned the low grade(s) you want alleviated (or no longer be counted in your GPA)

For more information, visit Academic Renewal in the Sierra College Catalog.

Academic Renewal Petition

A student seeking academic renewal must meet with a Sierra College counselor to complete an Academic Renewal petition. The petition must be signed by the counselor before it is submitted to a campus Admissions and Records Office. If any of the required 12 units are earned at another college, an official transcript must be submitted with the petition. The Academic Standards Committee will review the request. For help, contact Counseling.



Article ID: 74023
Mon 3/18/19 7:16 PM
Mon 10/23/23 12:55 PM