How do I copy my previous course content into my new course shell in Canvas?


Each semester, ALL courses offered by Sierra College will be automatically created in Canvas in a new (empty) status. You can copy your previous semester course content into your new upcoming course shells to avoid having to redo all of your work.

To copy course content from one course to another, go into your NEW course, and then into the course settings at the very bottom of the left side course navigation menu.

Course settings link














In the Course Settings screen, go to the Right side menu and select Import Course Content.
Import Course Content link



In the next screen, select Copy a Canvas Course in the drop down menu.
Import Content selection

Once you select the above option, more fields will appear on your screen. Click in the "Search for a course" field, and your other courses will appear in a list for you to select from. Select the course with the content that you want to copy over, and select if you want to copy the ENTIRE course or just specific items in the Content fields. It's best to NOT select the Adjust dates option since each semester has different holidays and breaks so you would still need to go in and adjust due dates anyway. Hit the Import button when you've made your selections.
Import Content options

Once you hit the Import button, if you've chosen to copy ALL content, you will either see a progress bar below showing how much longer the copy process will take. If you've selected to copy specific content, you will then be prompted to choose WHICH content you want to copy over. Click on the Select Content button at the right of the current copy job you just initiated.
Copy Course Progress

In the next window, you can then scroll through all the content in your old course and check the box for the items you want to copy over into this new course.
Select Content to copy

Whether you've chosen to copy ALL content or SPECIFIC content, once the job has finished processing, you should see that content in this course. You can copy more than once but keep in mind that every time you copy, it will ADD to the existing content and not write over the existing content. 



Article ID: 65590
Fri 10/19/18 12:47 PM
Thu 6/13/19 1:42 PM